30 Day Photo Challenge 1
Day 1: Self-Portrait
Day 3: Clouds
Day 4: Something Green
Day 5: Morning Sky
Day 6: From a Low Angle (Worm's Eye View)
Day 7: Fruit
The orange tree in my backyard
Day 8: A Bad Habit
A cigarette unmoved, hanging off the edge of a cliff
Day 9: Someone You Love
My twin brother and my special needs brother (This picture always makes me smile)
Day 10: Childhood Memory

I used to play with this Hawkins Pressure Cooker as a child.
Day 11: Something Blue

It's a mighty BLUE ANGEL!!! (I am impressed with this photo's quality)
Day 12: Sunset
From a window in the playroom of our house
Off the corner of my Carnatic Singing teacher's house

At Point Loma
Day 13: Yourself With 13 Things

This is me and my key chain collection!
Day 14: Eyes

My older special needs brother's eyes (he has looong eyelashes)
Day 15: Silhouette
Day 16: Long Exposure
Day 17: Technology
Day 18: Your Shoes
Day 19: Something Orange
Day 20: Bokeh
A beautiful blossom at school
Day 21: Faceless Self-Portrait

I'm reading my most favorite book since third grade: I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb (upside down?)
Day 22: Hands
Day 23: Sunflare
Day 24: Animal
Day 25: Something Pink
Aerial view of Catalina Island (I went here over Thanksgiving)
Day 28: Flowers
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